EmailRoadshow Atlanta

Atlanta, GA
May 16, 2024

Masterclass 1

Automated Anecdotes: Email Marketing Tales from the Trenches

In today’s fast-paced digital world, efficiency is key. This 2-hour workshop is designed to equip you and your team with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the power of automation in your email marketing strategies.

Dive into real-life use cases and explore essential automation tools like Zapier, Alfred, and Text Expanders. Learn how to seamlessly integrate AI into your automations, enhancing personalization and engagement in your campaigns.

With practical, hands-on activities, you’ll get to set up workflows using AI prompts, Webhooks, and the latest AI tools—each participant will enjoy a free trial to kickstart their automation journey. Whether you’re looking to save time, reduce errors, or simply elevate your email marketing game, this workshop will set you up for success.


Key Takeaways
Master Automation Tools: Gain proficiency in leveraging tools like Zapier, Alfred, and Text Expanders to streamline your email marketing operations. Understand how these tools can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for more strategic activities.
Harness AI for Enhanced Engagement: Learn how to craft compelling AI prompts to generate personalized email content that resonates with your audience. Discover the power of AI in analyzing and optimizing your email campaigns for better engagement and conversion rates.
Implement Effective Workflows: Walk away with the ability to implement efficient workflows that integrate Webhooks and AI tools, enabling real-time personalization and data-driven decision-making in your email marketing efforts.

Leah Miranda

Leah Miranda

Lifecycle Marketing Manager, Zapier

Passionate about using technology to meet people where they are, Leah has garnered over 15 years of lifecycle marketing experience, working with start-ups and Fortune 500 companies and, most recently, leading the lifecycle team at Zapier. When she’s not coding emails or building flow charts, you can find Leah in Nashville, TN, drinking coffee and reading a book with her lovely wife.

Masterclass 2

Email Ecosystem Explained

In this masterclass, you’ll dive deep into the inner workings of the email world and its technology. We’ll draw on real-world experiences to explore how to tackle critical issues with getting emails delivered and create innovative solutions efficiently.

Key Takeaways
Who the key players in the ecosystem are.

Your role in the ecosystem.

How to fit your role, and succeed at email goals. 
LB Blair

LB Blair

Head of Deliverability, Email Industries

In the realm of email, LB has advised numerous ESPs, ISPs, and a number of household name brands, each sending over 1 billion emails per month. LB has seen traffic move at scale across numerous different industries, inbox providers, sending platforms, as well as the great variety of ways it can go wrong. Much of LB’s success can be credited to early guidance on taking a data-driven approach to problem solving,  and then leveraging comparative data to find deeper insights regarding the root cause of the problem.